The following letter to the children of the Baringhup West School has been received from Corporal L. W. R. Veal :---- " Egypt, 11th January, 1916.
My dear young friends, --- I got such a pleasant surprise on returning from Cairo to camp, to find a parcel of such nice things from the boys and girls of the Baringhup West State school. I can assure you there was no boy more pleased than I. I have thirteen tent mates. We are from different parts of the Empire ---- Ireland, Wales, London, West and South Australia, New Zealand, Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria. I shared the contents up amongst us, and we wished you all sorts of good luck. We always have a share of one another's gifts. I have done splendidly this Christmas. All us boys have had gifts of all sorts from the kind people of Australia.
I quite expect you have heard that the Gallipoli Peninsula has been evacuated with out loss of life --- one of the finest moves in history --- I think finer than the landing.
We had Christmas at Lemnos. We got such nice billies of cakes, puddings, lollies, cigarettes, etc.; they are lovely. New Year's Day we sailed for Alexandria, arriving there on the 3rd January, then trained to camp, arriving at 4 a.m. on the 4th January. It rained most of the time. We had no tents and some of the men are still sleeping out ; of course we are quite used to it now.
We are let have 48 hours' leave to visit Cairo --- only two out of every hundred, those, with longest service and good records first; and being the lucky first I have already had my leave and, had a real good time. I went out to the old camp at Mena, where we were last Christmas. It is a little over eight months since we left. When leaving I never ever thought of returning to Egypt.
I am now attached to Division Head Quarters ----- Battery. We shoot big bombs into the enemy's trenches. I quite expect to be in action any time now. I think the most of us would like to get into it and get it over, and get home for next Christmas, though I don't think we will have the good luck.
I will close, wishing you all sorts of good luck; and thanking you all very much for your gifts. Your affectionate friend,
Leslie W. R. Veal.