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Baringhup West State School

  • Dsc 4268
  • Dsc 4267
464 Baringhup West Road, Baringhup West VIC 3463

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  • Abandoned school site
  • Roadside monument
The site of the Baringhup West State School is located along Baringhup West Road, and can be viewed from the side of the road. Please do not enter.

The abandoned school building stands among peppercorn trees. A stone monument with a plaque stands by the fence line, and displays the following text:


This plaque, which records the centenary of this school was unveiled on 11th of October, 1969, by the Assistant Director of Primary Education

The Honour Roll from the Baringhup West State School is on display in the Maldon Museum, and can be viewed online on the Virtual War Memorial website.

A letter to the students of Baringhup West State School from Corporal L. W. R. Veal was published in the Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser, 13th of March 1916. The Corporal sent his thanks from Egypt to the students for a parcel they had sent him:


The following letter to the children of the Baringhup West School has been received from Corporal L. W. R. Veal :---- " Egypt, 11th January, 1916. 

My dear young friends, --- I got such a pleasant surprise on returning from Cairo to camp, to find a parcel of such nice things from the boys and girls of the Baringhup West State school. I can assure you there was no boy more pleased than I. I have thirteen tent mates. We are from different parts of the Empire ---- Ireland, Wales, London, West and South Australia, New Zealand, Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria. I shared the contents up amongst us, and we wished you all sorts of good luck. We always have a share of one another's gifts. I have done splendidly this Christmas. All us boys have had gifts of all sorts from the kind people of Australia.

I quite expect you have heard that the Gallipoli Peninsula has been evacuated with out loss of life --- one of the finest moves in history --- I think finer than the landing.

We had Christmas at Lemnos. We got such nice billies of cakes, puddings, lollies, cigarettes, etc.;  they are lovely. New Year's Day we sailed for Alexandria, arriving there on the 3rd January, then trained to camp, arriving at 4 a.m. on the 4th January. It rained most of the time. We had no tents and some of the men are still sleeping out ; of course we are quite used to it now.

We are let have 48 hours' leave to visit Cairo --- only two out of every hundred, those, with longest service and good records first; and being the lucky first I have already had my leave and, had a real good time. I went out to the old camp at Mena, where we were last Christmas. It is a little over eight months since we left. When leaving I never ever thought of returning to Egypt.

I am now attached to Division Head Quarters ----- Battery. We shoot big bombs into the enemy's trenches. I quite expect to be in action any time now. I think the most of us would like to get into it and get it over, and get home for next Christmas, though I don't think we will have the good luck.

I will close, wishing you all sorts of good luck; and thanking you all very much for your gifts. Your affectionate friend,

Leslie W. R. Veal.



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