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Miners Rest Soldiers Memorial Park

  • 20200917 dsc 2036
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  • 20200917 dsc 2041
  • 20200917 dsc 2034
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Corner of Howe Street and Albert Street, Miners Rest VIC 3352

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  • Soldiers' Memorial
  • Walking tracks
  • Part of the Miners Rest Community Park
The Miners Rest Soldiers' Memorial Park is a scenic area which features a tree-lined avenue, soldiers' memorial monument, decorative archway, and an information sign.

Gravel walking tracks take you across to the rest of the Miners Rest Community Park, which features a beautifully designed playground, a scenic creek-side walk, an undercover barbecue area, a small patch of BMX jumps, ball court, scenic walking tracks, and an information sign for the fascinating Miners Rest Heritage Trail. 

An information sign at the Miners Rest Soldiers' Memorial Park displays the following text:



On Thursday, 12 July 1917, a working bee was held to clear, fence and prepare this two acre central block in Miners Rest for the planting of 63 trees to perpetuate the memory of the young men from the district who "took on the burden of Empire and went forth to battle". The then Shire of Ballarat supplied all the trees and fencing material. 

Arbor Day, 19th July 1917, was celebrated with the planting of the trees - golden wattles and golden cypresses. 

Following the First World War, the residents of Miners Rest erected a "handsome" granite cenotaph to stand in memory of the 24 soldiers who died. The memorial was unveiled in the presence of Sir Alexander Peacock, three times Premier of Victoria, and other dignitaries. 

"The monument is of Harcourt colonial granite, with bronze face plates, and contains the names of twenty-four soldiers of the district who made the supreme sacrifice. The monument was designed by the well-known sculptor, Mr F. W. Commons, and the work executed by returned soldiers employed at his works, Creswick Road, Ballarat."


The Miners Rest and District Lions Club contacted the City of Ballarat in 2013 regarding the health of the trees and the location of the cenotaph. The old trees were removed in August and a community tree-planting day was held in September. 

The cenotaph was removed by Council in November, restored and then relocated to its present position. On Sunday, 1st June 2014, a re-dedication ceremony for the Soldiers' War Memorial was conducted.

The Miners Rest and District Lions Club, with the support of the City of Ballarat, the RSL and community groups, successfully applied for a "Restoring War Memorials and Avenues of Honour" grant in 2015 to replace name plaques and signage. These works were completed in time for ANZAC Day, 2016.


City of Ballarat, Victoria State Government, Lions International.



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