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Addington Avenue of Honour

  • 20201209 dsc 2395
  • 20201209 dsc 2397
  • 20201209 dsc 2392
Corner of Edmonston Road and Langi Kal Kal Road, Addington VIC 3352

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  • Avenue of Honour
  • Memorial plaque
The Addington Avenue of Honour runs along Edmonston Road, with a stone memorial plaque standing beneath the shade of the commemorative trees. The roadside plaque, unveiled in 1991, displays the names of local soldiers. 

1914 --- 1918

Charles Edmonston
Lawrence Molloy
Frank Bull
Percy Bull
William Blake
Simeon Full
William Ingram
James Parker
Samuel Parker
William Nichol
Francis Scanlon 
Leslie Birch
Joseph Birch
Gillan McNaughton
John Chapman
Alexander Chapman
Percy Chapman
Claude McCook
Eric McCook
Robert McCook
Henry Nicholson
Reginald Birch
John R. McNaughton
Norman Blair
Henry Hutchinson
Henry Walker
Hery Kerr
Angus Bain
William Smith
Archibald Kerr
James Leys
George Beseler
Ernst Beseler
John Shelly
George Beaumont
John Hanchett
Thomas Lowery
George Lowery
Charles Lethbridge
William Leach
John Kerr
Thomas Kerr
William Goble
Peter Robertson
William Robertson
Neil Currie

Lest we forget
Erected by Learmonth & District Historical Society
25. 4. 1991



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