Favored by beautiful weather, the official opening of the new Mechanics' Hall erected at Kurting proved an entire success. There was a large attendance of local and district residents, and a sports meeting held during the afternoon in aid of Red Cross funds resulted in a substantial amount being netted.
The hall, which stands on ground generously donated by Mr J. Hogan, between the school and the creek, is a substantial concrete building of pleasing design, and was erected at a cost of about £330 by Mr J. H. Secombe, who also materially assisted the committee in the matter of finance. It is 48ft. long by 24ft. wide, with 12ft, walls, and should prove equal to the needs of the district for many years to come.
It is well ventilated, and has large windows, these opening outwards on hinges. Doors at each side, and the back, as well as in front, give free means of access, while a fireplace in the back allows of provision being made for supper arrangements, water being laid on from a tank. Provision has been made for the partitioning off of portion of the hall at any time this may be considered desirable.
To provide a stage eight tables of a uniform size have been constructed to fit across the width of the hall. By these it will be possible, when euchre parties are being held, to use the full length of the hall, and also to convert the "stage" into card tables.
The committee still has work ahead in the provision of a ceiling for the building and seating accommodation, but there is no doubt that the public support accorded them will be sufficient to enable these matters to be dealt with in the near future. A fine floor has been put down.