The Amherst Reservoir Bushland Reserve is a peaceful spot nestled away between the bush and farmland of Amherst, Victoria.
There are plenty of birds, including waterbirds, which makes this a great spot for birdwatching. It's a lovely bushwalking spot, the sound of birds singing fills the air as you wander around the reserve.
If you visit the reserve in the cooler months when the countryside is nice and green, and while the water is still low before too much rain (so late Autumn - early Winter), then there is a huge flat patch beside the reservoir carpeted with gorgeously lush green grass. This is a great spot to bring a picnic blanket and have a relaxing lunch by the water.
There are loads of fallen trees and logs, great for children who love to climb.
How to get to Amherst Reservoir Bushland Reserve
The Amherst Reservoir Bushland Reserve is listed on Google Maps as being on Lillicur Road, Amherst. However, there is no way in to the reserve from Lillicur Road.
At 670 Avoca Road, Amherst, there is a gravel road which turns off Avoca Road and heads into the reserve. Partway along this road you will come across a gate, please close this gate behind you as there are sheep which have access to this part of the road (watch out for sheep as you drive through). You will soon come across a Parks Victoria sign for the Amherst Reservoir and enter the reserve.
When visiting the Amherst Reservoir Bushland Reserve, please ensure that you close all gates behind you on your way in.