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Beehive Mine

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Bendigo-Maldon Road, Maldon VIC 3463

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  • Historic mine
  • 1860s 30 metre high chimney
  • Brick and stone ruins
  • Mine shaft
  • Walking tracks
  • Bench seat
The thirty metre high Beehive Mine Chimney is an iconic part of the Maldon skyline. Completed in 1863, it's the only chimney of its age and size remaining in Victoria!

Visitors can stroll through the mine site of the Beehive Gold Company and take a close look at the chimney and a fenced mine shaft. Alongside the chimney are the fascinating remains of the brick and stone substructures for the boilers and steam engine that powered the mine.

Parking is available on the Bendigo-Maldon Road, and well formed, pram-friendly walking tracks take you through the Beehive Mine site. 

The Historical Underground Mines of Victoria Australia have an informative walk-around video of the Beehive Mine

The Historical Underground Mines of Victoria Australia are a group of historians and rock climbers who explore Victoria's historical mines and record Victoria's lost mining history. They record and share videos, images and information about their explorations - you can check out all their videos on their YouTube channel and be sure to like their Facebook page for regular updates.

Statement of Significance from the Victorian Heritage Database:

Statement of Significance
Last updated on - May 13, 1999

What is significant?

The Maldon quartz reefing field, although relatively small compared to others in the State, was extraordinarily rich in gold. The hardness and heavy mineralisation of the rock containing the gold placed Maldon's mining companies in the vanguard for the introduction of new mining technology. Beehive Reef was opened in 1854 and was mined until 1918. Large-scale mining commenced in 1860, when machinery described as the 'most extensive in the colony' was installed. The 60 horse-power engine powering the machinery was called at the time the 'most powerful employed in mining speculations in Victoria'. The site's towering brick chimney stack, constructed in 1861, has been recognised historically (since 1923) as a monument to Maldon's nineteenth century gold mining.

How is it significant?

The Beehive Company Gold Mine is of historical, archaeological and scientific importance to the State of Victoria.

Why is it significant?

The Beehive Company Gold Mine is historically and scientifically important as a characteristic example of an important form of gold mining. Gold mining sites are of crucial importance for the pivotal role they have played since 1851 in the development of Victoria. As well as being a significant producer of Victoria's nineteenth century wealth, quartz mining, with its intensive reliance on machinery, played an important role in the development of Victorian manufacturing industry. The Beehive Company Gold Mine is important as a manifestation of this aspect of gold mining.

The Beehive Company Gold Mine is scientifically important for the survival of its brick chimney stack. This stack provided draught for the steam boilers. Chimney stacks, like the Beehive one, were once a common sight on mid- to late 19th-century quartz mines. The Beehive stack today is the only one of its age and size still standing in Victoria. The significance of the stack has already been recognised through a National Estate listing and is now a landmark and heritage symbol for the township of Maldon, Australia's first notable town. The stack's scientific value is enhanced by its association with a broad range of mining relics. The Beehive Company Gold Mine is also significant for its potential to yield artefacts and evidence which will be able to provide information about the technological history of gold mining.


Established in 1980, the Prospectors and Miners Association of Victoria is a voluntary body created to protect the rights and opportunities of those who wish to prospect, fossick or mine in the State of Victoria, Australia.

You can support the PMAV in their fight to uphold these rights by becoming a member. You'll also gain access to exclusive publications, field days, prospecting tips, discounts and competitions.

Check out the PMAV website for more information.


  • Evidence of the mid-late 1800's gold rush can be found throughout the Victorian goldfields in the form of abandoned mine shafts and tunnels, mullock heaps, buildings and ruins, circular puddling troughs, remains of cyanide vats, and quartz kilns.


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