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Spring Gully BMX Jumps

  • 20170828 154709
  • 20170828 154740
  • 20170828 154725
  • 20170828 154752
  • 20170828 154631
  • 20170828 154635
  • 20170828 154639
  • 20170828 154656
  • 20170828 154805
  • 20170828 154819
101 Spring Gully Road, Spring Gully VIC 3550

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  • BMX jumps and tracks
  • Seating
  • Bushland
  • Shade
A great BMX track along Spring Gully Road, located in a quiet patch of bushland. One long bench seat is available, trees provide some shade.

An information sign at the BMX track states the following information:

Bendigo BMX Trail

BMX riding is an inherently dangerous sport it is a term and condition of use of this facility that the City of Greater Bendigo and its servants and agents accept no liability of whatever description, for any losses, injuries or death which may occur at this facility, however caused.

BMX bikes are the only vehicles allowed on this facility. Mountain bikes and any motorised vehicles are strictly banned.

In case of emergency, call 000, the address of this facility is 101 Spring Gully Road.

No alcohol is to be consumed at this facility.

This facility should not be used under the influence of alcohol or any other drugs.

The facility is to be used during daylight hours only.

Children under 12 years must at all times be supervised by a responsible adult while using this facility.

Please ride safely and show consideration for other users.

All participants are to use protective equipment at this facility:
  • Helmet mandatory
  • Strong footwear
  • Elbow pads
  • Knee pads
  • Wrist guards



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good jumps but wrong destination on map : )
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