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Bell's Cottage

  • 20200305 dsc 7691
  • 20200305 dsc 7692
  • 20200305 dsc 7697
  • 20200305 dsc 7695
  • 20200305 dsc 7699
  • 20200305 dsc 7710
  • 20200305 dsc 7708
  • Tarnagulla bell\
Corner Wimmera Highway and Mitchell Lane, Llanelly VIC 3551

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  • Beautiful stone cottage
  • Built in 1937
This beautiful stone cottage lies on the outskirts of Tarnagulla, a gorgeous little town within the Loddon Shire. Located alongside the Wimmera Highway in a quiet patch of bushland, Bell's Cottage stands empty and abandoned.

Built in 1937 by WW1 veteran Herbert Bell before he served in WW2, the cottage is an impressive testament to Bell's determination and hard work.

The following description of Bell's Cottage is from "Turnagulla & District":

A small brick and stone California style cottage with brick quioning and a Japanese style gable was built by Herbert Bell at the junction of Mitchell's Lane and the main Tarnagulla-Llanelly road, near the cemetery.

After serving in the First World War and the Merchant Navy Bell arrived in the area in the late 1920's to fossick around the goldfields. He gathered the stones with his bicycle and cut the timbers for the doorways and gables from the surrounding iron bark trees using a one man cross cut saw and broad axe.

The cottage was finished prior to the Second World War when Bell again served his country. On his return to the area Herbert Bell established an orchard and a poultry farm on a nearby block. Herbert Bell, born 28 April 1890 died on 22 October 1976.

- Extract from "Tarnagulla & District".

Bert Bell's Cottage, Tarnagulla, - c1938 (Source:, Photo supplied by Darren Wright.)



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