The site of the former Simpson's Bakery lies alongside Regent Street and makes up part of the fascinating Steiglitz Town Walk, an easy half hour circuit filled with interesting ruins, relics and buildings of the gold rush era.
The walk begins around the corner at the
Steiglitz Court House, and is an excellent way to explore this unique little town.
Known as 'Steiglitz Bakery' and owned by the Simpson brothers, today all that remains at the site is a brick well set in the ground a short distance from the road.
The spot is marked on the roadside by a small information sign set within a car tyre.
The information sign displays the following text:
Simpson's Bakery
Known as 'Steiglitz Bakery', it was owned by the Simpson brothers who were also family grocers and general carriers.
The full brick building with large half moon brick ovens was run by William Simpson until 1895.
It's not known exactly why or when the bakery closed, however in 1936/37 Mr Cooke used the bricks from the building to build chimneys and a sheep dip in the area.