Second period of alluvial mining at Mount Greenock
March 1865: Ground for about 100 miners occupied about 1 1/2 miles south of Mount Greenock, near the Antrim
Arms, or junction of Clunes and Ballarat Roads. A tunnelling company, in driving westwards into the plains,
obtained some good prospects. It is probable this may be Mount Greenock lead, or a tributary of it.
September 1865: Considerable falling off has taken place in the Mount Greenock Plain leasing companies.
September 1866: The alluvial mining about Mount Greenock continues in a depressed state, owing to the want
of sufficient capital to work the main lead which is so heavily charged with water. The Hoffnung Co., at Mt. Greenock South, has had a 12hp engine, with 6 inch pipes and a 70 ft lift, employed for some months past
exclusively in pumping, but have had to suspend operations to place in 10 inch pipes, which is thought will clear
the lead so as to enable the miners to proceed.
September 1866: Alluvial mining about Mount Greenock continues in a depressed state, owing to want of capital.
March 1867: Mount Greenock Lead will probably remain unworked indefinitely until outside capital is brought in.
September 1867: Hoffnung Co. - broken down a third time.
March 1868: Alluvial mining still in depressed state for want of capital. An effort being made by the Union Co. to
raise sufficient funds to develop the Mount Greenock deep lead, nee about £4000.
September 1868: The Union Co., Mount Greenock South, now erecting plant...will assist the Hoffnung with
water. Private ground on the south side of Hoffnung has been let to a mining company = Nicholls Freehold Co.
March 1869: Nicholls Freehold - erection of two engines of collective power of 48hp. Union Co. bottomed on gold
at 150 feet.
September 1869: The large mining companies on the plains are each progressing favourably.
1868: Rip Van Winkle Co. - first attempt to find Mt Greenock Lead. Party sank shaft to 230 feet, then mining
depression set in and shaft abandoned.
June 1870: Hoffnung Co. in prosperous state, Union Co. to the north and Nichol's Freehold to the south, Rose
Co. let on tribute. Potosi Co. not yet struck the gutter. so far spent £9,000. The Gladstone Co. have completed
and started two engines.
December 1870: Alluvial mining in the deep ground has disappointed our expectations. It was thought that
Mount Greenock Lead, when found, would give good results; but after the expenditure of more than £20,000 in
the Potosi and Gladstone claims, the aforesaid lead has been found to be worthless in the parts worked, so that
we have nothing but the subsidiary leads to depend upon in alluvial mining. Nichol's Freehold, Union and
Hoffnung claims produced respectively 1,296 ozs, 676 ozs and 331 ozs.
September 1871: Nichol's Freehold - 659 ozs.; Union Co. - 358 ozs.
March 1872: Union and Hoffnung companies continue to work profitably. The alluvial ground on the south side
of the Mount spreads over too large a space to be worked with profit Nichol's Freehold has ceased working for
this cause, and their fine plant which cost about £5,000 is being sold and removed.
June 1872: Hoffnung Co. - 381 ozs., Union Co. - 302 ozs.
September 1874: A new company has been formed to work Nichol's Freehold, about 1 1/2 miles south of the
March 1875: Hoffnung Co. employs 21 men, produced 660 ozs.
June 1875: Nichol's Freehold erecting steam machinery.
December 1876: Nichol's Freehold completed their plant.
September 1876: Hoffnung Co. still keeps up an excellent yield per ton of wash dirt.
September 1877: Hoffman Gold Mining Co., Mount Greenock, produced 404 ozs, employed 20 men.
September 1879: Union Gold Mining Co., Mount Greenock, produced 753 ozs. of gold during the quarter. Mount
Greenock Extended Co. is progressing fast.
1880: Rip Van Winkle Co. - second attempt to find Mt Greenock Lead. Powerful machinery installed, costing
£6,000. Ground purchased for £9,000 from Mr Samuels of Talbot. Ground proved unpayable. Abandoned and
plant removed
December 1884: Union Co., Mt Greenock, has at last ceased work, after being in existence for about 20 years.
A new lease has been taken up on Mt Greenock to work the ground to the east of old Union Extended claim in
direction of the Princess Alexandra Tunnel.
June 1885: South Greenock Co, may return something payable soon. Adams' Freehold Co. has taken up 800
acres of land under Mining on Private Property Act, 1884. Expected to bottom in a few days.
September 1885: South Greenock Co. have stopped work but a leases has lately been taken up close to the
NE, by Richard Hull, under the Mining on Private Property Act. Already payable gold, which is supposed to be
the real Mt Greenock Lead. Adams' Freehold Co. - 16 men employed main driving.
June 1886: Adams' Freehold Co. have sunk shaft no. 2 to 103 ft.