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The Weekend Prospector with Andrew Bales

Posted 13/09/2020 in Gold

Andrew Bales, host of Season 3. Image source: The Weekend Prospector

The new season of The Weekend Prospector has premiered, and judging by the first episode it's definitely shaping up to be one of the best modern educational resources to help prospectors find more gold. With RawGold's Andrew Bales as this season's host, this comes as no surprise!

Andrew Bales is a renowned author, geologist and gold prospector with over 30 years experience. His RawGold day courses demonstrate the connection between geology and gold, delivering geological theory and practical information in layman's terms. When The Weekend Prospector announced that Andrew was to be the host of season three, we knew it was going to be good!

In episode one, Andrew takes us to the Bendigo region and explains the importance of indicators, "the holy grail of understanding gold nuggets and where to look for them". Andrew demonstrates both the above ground and underground components of an indicator, and finds a few nice bits of gold along the way!

We've added Season 3 of The Weekend Prospector to our handy list of Online Gold Prospecting Resources, and are looking forward to watching the rest of the show.

The first episode is available to stream online here, so check it out, bookmark the page, and stay tuned for more episodes.





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