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A look back in time at the Chalks No 1 gold mine

Here in the Central Goldfields, the landscape is filled with the impressive remnants of deep lead mines which operated here long ago. Have you ever wondered what it would have looked like undergro...
Posted 11/03/2024 in Gold
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Would you have what it takes back in the Victorian Gold Rush?

Ever wonder if you'd have what it takes to try your luck on the goldfields back in the 19th century? This entertaining, but honest advice, was published by the Geelong Advertiser in September of 1...
Posted 20/02/2023 in Gold
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Grave diggers found GOLD while digging a grave in the Ballaarat Old Cemetery

A sensational discovery was made in a grave at the Ballarat Old Cemetery in 1907, where a quartz vein filled with a dazzling display of gold was unearthed while digging the grave of mining investor, M...
Posted 11/02/2023 in Gold
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Stamp battery ruins and remnants in the Victorian Goldfields

In this article we're going to take a look at one of my favourite historical features left behind from Victoria's busy gold mining era - Stamp Battery foundations.
Posted 20/01/2023 in Gold
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How to find old gold locations using Google Earth

Today I'm going to quickly show you and talk about some of the many different remnants that are left over from Victoria's busy mining days, including what they are, how they appear from above, and wha...
Posted 01/12/2022 in Gold
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Where to go gold panning in Victoria

Looking to try your luck gold panning in Victoria? Take a look through this handy list of gold-bearing creeks to get you started!
Posted 12/10/2022 in Gold
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Bendigo gold mines

Bendigo is one of history's most incredible quartz mining goldfields, where visitors today can still see extensive remnants of the region's prosperous gold mining heritage! There are some great pla...
Posted 12/10/2022 in Gold
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Amazing views over old goldfields

There are some seriously stunning views to be found over old gold workings throughout the Victorian Goldfields! The dramatic visual effects left behind by extensive diggings, hydraulic sluicing an...
Posted 12/10/2022 in Gold
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Self-guided tours of old gold mines

Interested in learning more about the fascinating gold mining history of the Victorian Goldfields? Self-guided tours are a brilliant and immersive way to do just that! Check out this list and disc...
Posted 09/10/2022 in Gold
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Places to see poppet heads in the Victorian Goldfields

Although they were once commonplace, today poppet heads are few and far between. Luckily there are still a few places where you can go have a look at them!
Posted 09/10/2022 in Gold
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Seven seriously significant sites in the Victorian Goldfields

There are some seriously significant historical sites throughout the Victorian Goldfields, places where ruins, relics, monuments and more stand in testament to the region's prosperous (and sometimes d...
Posted 08/10/2022 in Gold
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Gold discovery sites in the Victorian Goldfields

The Victorian Goldfields region is world-famous for its enormous gold nuggets, which were consistently unearthed since the onset of the Victorian gold rush! Ever wondered where some of these renowned ...
Posted 02/10/2022 in Gold
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The Eldorado Dredge

The enormous Eldorado Dredge worked for about twenty years from the mid 1930s, excavating huge quantities of the gold and tin bearing river flats on the Eldorado Plain. During this time, the dredge pr...
Posted 27/09/2022 in Gold
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Windsails in the Victorian Goldfields

One of the many obstacles faced by miners during the gold rush was the problem of poor ventilation in mine shafts. As sinking got deeper the air at the bottom of the shaft became hot and stale, making...
Posted 01/02/2022 in Gold
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Glossary of mining terms from the Victorian Gold Rush

Historical resources such as old newspapers and goldfields maps are extremely valuable when researching gold rush history or searching for potential new gold prospecting locations. A quick look throug...
Posted 04/06/2021 in Gold
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Early accounts of the Clunes diggings

The Clunes Diggings struck fame as the first marketable gold field in Victoria, beginning in July 1851. The operations at the Clunes Diggings were more accurately described as 'mining' than 'diggings'...
Posted 15/05/2021 in Gold
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Early accounts of the Bendigo Diggings

The Bendigo Diggings began in 1851, born out of the famed Mount Alexander diggings - though at an unfortunate time of year when water was scarce and the ground dry and hard. Despite this early difficu...
Posted 08/05/2021 in Gold
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Early accounts of the Maryborough Diggings

First known as Simson's Diggings, Maryborough's gold rush began in the winter of 1854. The area quickly gained its reputation as a rich and profitable field, with reports of magnificent gold nuggets b...
Posted 06/05/2021 in Gold
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Early accounts of the Forest Creek diggings

The following accounts were published in newspapers during the first few months of the rush to Forest Creek, and give us an interesting insight into the early development of the Forest Creek Diggings.
Posted 06/05/2021 in Gold
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