Guildford's Big Tree Park is home to a remarkable River Red Gum, thought to be somewhere between 500 to 1,000 years old! This tree is a must-see feature of the town, and is a fantastic place to stop by for a picnic or barbecue lunch.
This impressive, ancient giant stands across the road from a picnic/play area, which features a playground, undercover barbecue area, picnic tables, tennis courts with basketball hoops, toilets and information signs.
Picnics at Big Tree Park
Big Tree Park features an excellent picnic area, with a free barbecue and bench seating set beneath an undercover area. Multiple picnic tables stand throughout the park on the grassy lawn, and some will be shaded by trees depending on the time of day.
The picnic area is situated alongside the playground, across the road from the big tree itself.
Information about the Big Tree
An information sign at the foot of the Big Tree displays the following information:
'River Red Gum'
Eucalyptus camaldulensis (fam: Myrtaceae) Dehnh.
The Big Tree is thought to be one of the largest examples of the species in Victoria. It has been recorded as having a height of 30m, a canopy spread of 34m, and trunk circumference of 9.35m. Estimates of the age of the tree range between 500 ~ 1000 years.
It is listed as a tree of State significance on the National Trust's Register of Significant Trees of Victoria for its "outstanding size, curious fusion of branches, as an outstanding example of the species and as an important landmark". The National Trust regards its conservation as vital to the local community and the State as a whole.
Already an ancient giant when the first white settlers arrived in the 1840's, the Big Tree has played an important part in the cultural and social life of the Guildford community. This wonderful tree survives as an important symbol and a link between our community and its traditional owners, the Dja Dja Wurrung Aboriginal people.
Due to its great age, numerous hollows have formed within the tree providing habitat for many creatures. This tree is an eco-system which sustains a vast range of bird and animal life including magpies, rosellas, lorikeets, parrots, kookaburras, wood ducks, boobook owls, honey eaters, numerous species of insects, native bees and possums.
Potential damage to the Big Tree has been avoided in recent times due to the actions of the local Guildford community. In 1990, two roads that crossed directly beneath the tree canopy, causing soil compaction were re-routed, and in 1991, extensive branch pruning was avoided by relocating existing powerlines.
Source: Frank Passalaqua, Tony Holland, Ian Huxley, National Trust (Victoria), Vic Roads, Shire of Newstead Heritage Study.
A second information sign stands over in the picnic area and provides a fascinating history of Guildford.
While you're here, be sure to go check out the
Guildford Lookout for panoramic views over the town and surrounding fields.
Also of interest