Tarnagulla's old police station and gaol stand along Victoria Street and are indicated by a small information sign alongside the road.
The weatherboard police station is at the front and the old gaol lies behind it.
This is an interesting place to check out while exploring the many fascinating historic sites throughout Tarnagulla.
There is a self-guided walking tour of the town which includes this stop, you can view a map and details about the walk over at
The lock up
The gaol was built in 1869 and is a beautiful three room (two cell) building constructed of brick and bluestone.
The doors to the cells can be viewed through the locked iron gate at the gaol's entrance.
The small information sign alongside the road displays the following text:
The original police camp was situated on the site of the present school. The brick and bluestone two cell lock-up Gaol was built in 1869.
More old gaols and lock ups