Tuesday, June 8, 1948 - Castlemaine Mail
Chewton Woman's Fortunate Escape When Backyard Caved In
Mrs Frances White, of 153 Main Rd, Chewton, had a miraculous escape from death last week when part of the backyard of her home, which is over an old disused Gold mine shaft, suddenly caved in and left her hanging precariously at the edge of a hole 80ft deep and eight feet in diameter.
Mrs White had been talking to her son near the back fence and had turned to retrace her steps into the house when her foot sank into what she thought was an old posthole. Looking down suddenly she saw the earth breaking away and called to her son. At the same time she grabbed at a branch of a tree growing near the edge, and was able to save herself from falling. Looking over her shoulder as she clung to the branch she could see the earth slipping away from where she was standing and leaving a deep yawning cavity.
According to reports from old residents of the area, the hole is one of many along the underground drive from the old Francis Ormond Gold Mine.
(This incident occurred next door at 153 Main Rd)
'Francis Ormond Mine Managers House'
This sculpture was the second in a series by sculptors Richard Yates and John Brady, intended to preserve Chewton's history and bring some of the town's fascinating stories to life. There are six sculptures all up (so far), five of which were carved by Richard Yates. The latest sculpture, that of historian and local treasure Elaine Appleton, was carved by John Brady.