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Rod Hadfield Sculpture

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624 Pyrenees Highway, Chewton VIC 3451

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  • Remarkable life-sized wooden sculpture
  • Early 20th century workshop scene
  • Interesting plaque
This brilliant life-sized wooden sculpture of local hot rod legend Rod Hadfield stands alongside the Pyrenees Highway in Chewton. Hadfield is depicted here in an early 20th century style garage with his beloved dog Cody and a Ford Model T, a fantastic installation welcoming visitors along the highway into town!

This remarkable scene stands at the entrance to the Hadfield's property and renowned hot rod collection, and is well worth dropping by for a look.
A plaque is set on the end of the shed and displays the following text:

Castlemaine has enjoyed a long and colourful history of cars and garages with no fewer than 14 at the beginning of World War 2. This has led to enthusiasts modifying and reworking vehicles along with the formation of Castlemaine Rods in 1962. Street Rodding is now a major employer in the Mount Alexander Shire.

Depicted here by this carving by Richard Yates of well-known Street Rodder and T Model Ford enthusiast Rod Hadfield.


This sculpture was the fifth in a series by sculptors Richard Yates and John Brady, intended to preserve Chewton's history and bring some of the town's fascinating stories to life. There are six sculptures all up (so far), five of which were carved by Richard Yates. The latest sculpture, that of historian and local treasure Elaine Appleton, was carved by John Brady.

The other sculptures along this fascinating trail are:
These brilliant sculptures are all located along Main Road, Chewton. The sculptures begin near the Post Office and Town Hall, and end at Rod Hadfield's hot rod museum just out of town.



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