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Sloan's Reserve

  • Dsc 4436
  • Dsc 4440
  • Dsc 4439
  • Dsc 4431
  • Dsc 4432
  • Dsc 4438
  • Dsc 4433
Corner of Lyndhurst Street and Brougham Street, Bridgewater VIC 3516

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  • Playground with shade sails
  • Sand pit with digging toy
  • Undercover areas
  • Electric barbecue
  • Picnic tables
  • Powerpoints
  • Rubbish bins
Sloan's Reserve is a great place to bring the family for a picnic and play while exploring the beautiful features and historic sites of Bridgewater on Loddon.

This grassy little park provides an undercover barbecue set alongside a shaded playground, picnic tables and bench seating are set around the park, and a gazebo with powerpoints stands by the picnic area. 

If visiting during the summer, be sure to stop by the Bridgewater Swimming Hole for a swim. 

Picnics at Sloans Reserve

An undercover barbecue area is accompanied by multiple picnic tables throughout the park.

This is a great place to bring the family for a barbecue or picnic lunch while the kids play. 

More to explore nearby


Inglewood Motel and Caravan Park

Inglewood Motel and Caravan Park is a 10 acre bush park privately owned and managed by Jerry and Pauline Wellman in the gorgeous gold-rush town of Inglewood, Victoria. The park is within walking distance to cafes, shops and hotel entertainment, and is surrounded by State Forests. Inglewood Motel and Caravan Park is a popular destination for tourists and is located within the renowned Golden Triangle - a region of the Victorian Goldfields which is world famous for the size, purity, and quantity of gold nuggets found in the area. 


  • There are so many excellent playgrounds tucked away in little-known places. Take a look through this great list of playgrounds throughout the Victorian Goldfields.
  • There are hundreds of fantastic barbecue areas throughout the Victorian Goldfields. Some are in parks/playgrounds, others are scattered throughout the bush. Many barbecue areas are located alongside amazing attractions and walks, so go out for a barbecue and get exploring!


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