The picturesque little Elphinstone Cemetery is set in a peaceful field surrounded by bushland. During spring, the grassy field bursts to life with hundreds of beautiful little flowers!
The Elphinstone Cemetery is situated between the Fryers Range State Forest and the Fryers Ridge Nature Conservation Reserve, making this a great place to stop by while exploring the natural and historical features of those areas.
More to explore nearby
There are lots of great places to explore throughout the area, with the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park, the Mount Alexander Regional Park, and the Fryers Ridge State Forest and Nature Conservation Reserve all located close by.
Along with the 19th century gold rush came the inevitable establishment of many cemeteries throughout the Victorian Goldfields. A wander through a historic cemetery within the goldfields can be quite captivating and educational. Some cemeteries are still in use today, others have been long abandoned.